
“With Allegro TimingVision, the routing process has sped up dramatically, from four weeks, down to four days,”

Bill Munroe - Cavium


Designed with Cadence.
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“We’re very optimistic about our future with the scalable OrCAD PSpice and Allegro PCB Designer tools"


The Cadence solution reduces our PCB development time by 80 percent

- Gisbert Thomke, Group Leader, IBM R&D Lab

Short Term Rental OrCAD Switch
Short Term Rental OrCAD Cube
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Parallel Systems Suite 1 and Suite 2 comparison
Floating Networked License
12 Months Maintenance Support Included In Purchase Price
Flexible Window layout
Graphical, flat and hierarchical page editor and Picture block hierarchy
OrCAD PSpice AD Basic - Restricted Capacity - see PSpice Matrix below
Net Groups - Complex bus definition
44,000 Schematic symbols
Coloured Components / nets
Tcl TK scripting support
Online design rule check including custom DRC capability and Waive DRC
Forward and back-annotation of properties / pin-and-gate swaps
Schematic Part and Library editor
Cross-probing and cross-placing
FPGA design-in / pin import & export
Multiple PCB netlist interfaces - New Design Sync for Cadence Flow
Part Search Providers UltraLibrarian and Samacsys (Symbol, Footprint 3d Step Model)
Property editor for pins, components, nets
OrCAD SigXplorer SI Analysis
Intelligent PDF creation
Advanced Annotation
Design Compare (detail and Graphical)
Default Demo designs
Extended Preferences
Export ISCF (Intel Schematic Connectivity Format)
Export / Import XML
Altium Importer Schematic (PCB also available)
Eagle Importer Schematic (PCB also available)
Constraint Manager
Component Information System
Windows ODBC compatible format
Interface to relational database and management systems
Database query for part selection and parametric properties
Schematic and BOM Variants Manager (Parts not Fitted and more).
Component Information Portal (CIP), Access to Mouser, Digikey, Future, Farnell
Spacing, Same net, Netclass and Class to Class rules
Physical Constraint Rules
DesignTrue DFM Wizard
Design for Test Checks
Design For Assembly Checks
Design For Fabrication Checks
Component Lead Editor
Import File Manager
DFM Pad Entry / Exit Rules
Dynamic pad suppression / Unused Pad removal
Cross Section Editor
Padstack Editor IPC2581 Compliant
Application Mode (General, Etch, Placement)
Application Mode (shape)
Full Skill Support
Customisable Visibility Pane
Dynamic Shape Pin Connection By Layer (Global/Shape/Pin/Layer)
Dynamic Cross Hatch Shapes
Dynamic Shapes (dynamic copper pours) Plow and Heal
Move with autoroute adjust (Slide)
Multiple placement options, manual, quickplace, auto and room
Alignment x and y for components and modules
Dynamic rat suppression
Fan-out generators
Interactive Routing using Working Layer (layer selection popup)
Group route Bus Route and via patterns
Line Fattening
Differential Pair Static Phase Control rules
Differential Pairs Physical rules and routing
Blind Buried Single Click multiple via instantiation
Push, Shove and Hug interactive editing
Curve Routing
Snake Routing for Hex pattern ICs
Auto Finish (Route Completion Tool)
Scribble Sketch Routing
Route cleanup, optimization (Glossing)
Embedded net names
Split View
Through Board Transparency (OpenGL)
Flip Board
Excellon NC Drill File export
Gerber 274X, 274D artwork Output
IPC2581 Import / Export
Mentor ODB++ and universal viewer
Impedance Calculator
Interactive / Automatic Silkscreen generation
Import Altium PCB (schematic also available)
Import EAGLE PCB (schematic also available)
Import PADS & PCAD
Import IFF RF Shapes
Import Export DXF
Import Export IDF
Export Intelligent PDF
MCAD/ECAD Incremental design data exchange (IDX)
3D/2D Crossprobing
STEP 3D Clash Detect
STEP 3D viewer for selected item or complete PCB.
STEP 3D Canvas Controls
STEP 3D Import Export
STEP 3D Canvas Highlight Selections
Manual Design For Test (DFT) / Test Prep
Associative Dimensioning
Route Nets by Pick, 6- Metal Layers limit, no Pin Limit
Route Automatic, 6- Signal Layers, no layer or Pin Limit
Net Scheduling, T-Point rules (pin to T-point), T-Point definition
Constraint Regions, region based rules (Rigid-Flex; BGA regions)
Propagation delay rules (Relative) for nets or groups
Propagation delay rules (Min/Max) for nets or groups
Total Etch Length - Max/Min Length
Extended (X)net rules
Layer set rules
Pin Pair rules
Delay Tuning
Dynamic Heads-up Display for critical rules
Hug Contour routing (Flex)
Segment over void detection
Spread lines between voids
Shape based curve fillet support, tapered traces
Placement replication, template based design reuse
Via array / Shielding - Shape and Trace based
Rigid Flexi Zone Management
Dynamic Zone Placement
Inter Layer Checks for Rigid Flexi
3D Bending
High Speed Analysis Impedance Workflow
High Speed Analysis Coupling Workflow
Placement Vision
Route Vision
Differential Pair Dynamic Phase Control rules
Package Pin Delay (for die-2-die delay) rules
Z-Axis delay feedback
Automatic Design For Test (DFT) / Test Prep
Pre- & Post-route signal integrity analysis Pre Route
Graphical topology definition and exploration Pre Route
Interactive waveform viewer Pre Route
Macro modelling support (DML) Pre Route
IBIS 5.0 support Pre Route
IBIS ICM model support Pre Route
Spectre-to-DML Pre Route
HSPICE-to-IBIS Pre Route
Lossy transmission lines Pre Route
Coupled (3 net) simulation Pre-Route Pre Route
Differential pair exploration and simulation Pre Route
Simulation capacity: 250 Nodes, 250 devices, 1M Transient, 10K AC / DC Sweep, limits
Analog Devices: all except BSIM 3.3, BSIM4, Magnetic Core, IGBT, Tlines, DMI
Analog behavioural modelling
Digital Devices: All
Learning PSpice Free Templates
Bias Point, DC sweep, AC sweep and Transient analysis (with Temperature)
Bias point voltages, currents and power display in Schematic
Modelling Application in Capture
Parametric Sweep
Monte Carlo / Worst Case
Check Point restart
Auto Convergence, Advanced Convergence and Speed Mode
Interactive waveform viewer and analyzer
Waveform: FFT
Advanced tools: FRA, Core loss
PSpice video: Example Design Simple Circuit 1
PSpice video: Example Design Simple Circuit 2
PSpice video: Example Design Simple Circuit 3
PSpPice video: Example Design Simple Circuit 4
PSpice video: Example Design Simple Circuit 5
PSpice video: Example Design Simple Circuit 6
PSpice video: Example Design Simple Circuit 7