Cadence Symphony Team Design

One Board - Multiple Designers - In Real Time

Key Benefits

  • Concurrent engineering and distributed design let multiple designers work on the same PCB design in real time
  • Shortens the largest portion of your PCB layout design cycle
  • Reduces time to route advanced high-speed interfaces by 80%

With a worldwide PCB design team, it can be difficult to shorten design cycle times. Manual workarounds that address multi-user issues are time consuming, slow, and prone to error. The Cadence Allegro PCB Designer provides two ways for PCB design teams to collaborate—concurrent engineering using a shared canvas and distributed team design with a partitioned canvas. Either way, multiple PCB designers can work on the same design to reduce layout time.

Concurrent Engineering Using a Shared Canvas

The concurrent engineering option, Allegro® PCB Symphony Team Design Option, shortens the largest portion of the PCB layout design cycle. Its shared canvas provides a low-overhead environment that enables multiple designers to work on the same design, on the same canvas, and at the same time without the set-up requirements of a partitioned project. The more routing engineers you add, the faster your team can finish routing.

Savings example using five routing engineers


By connecting multiple PCB designers to a common Allegro PCB layout database, any changes made on their canvases are reflected on the server and seen by other designers, eliminating copy/paste “chaos.”

Easy to Set Up and Easy to Use
  • Ad-hoc mode eliminates setup—Bring other team members into a design on a moment’s notice. Join or leave the session at any time, knowing that all design updates have been updated to the master database.
  • More structured approach—Host the design on a network server where multiple designers can access the server and start the concurrent design process. Design can be managed centrally without requiring user intervention.
Collaboration with Extended Team

Many tasks—such as netlist updates, MCAD updates, constraint updates, etc.—very frequently interrupt the PCB implementation process.

  • Constraint editing in Allegro PCB Symphony Team Design Option allows a client exclusive access to Constraint Manager while everyone continues their design work concurrently.
  • You can leverage netlist import and MCAD import within the Symphony Team Design Option session without disconnecting team members from the session.

Use Powerful Features of Allegro PCB Designer

While in concurrent team design environment, designers can use features of Allegro PCB Designer to accelerate new product introduction:

  • 3D visualization while connected to a session
  • Shape editing and shape design for power delivery
  • Placement Edit Application mode
  • Interactive etch-editing commands and Allegro auto-interactive phase tune (AiPT) and auto-interactive delay tune (AiDT) capabilities, as well as dynamic shape voiding during routing
  • Combined with AiPT and AiDT, the TimingVision™ environment shortens timing closure of high-speed PCB interfaces by up to 75 percent
  • Impedance analysis and vision
  • Silkscreening to label and identify items such as test points, component labels, and assembly instructions
  • Report generation and Full/Window DRC update
  • Testability

Distributed Team Design on Partitioned Canvas

The distributed partitioning option, Allegro PCB Design Partitioning Option (also available separately), lets designers work on individual design sections exported from a master design. Partitioning a design for layout and editing by several design team members accelerates the time to complete the layout process. Each designer can see all partitioned sections and update the design view for monitoring the status and progress of other users’ sections.

Want more information on Allegro PCB Symphony Team Design Option?

For technical details or a demonstration, please contact us.